Thursday, May 2, 2013

EASTER WEEKEND--March 30, 2013

We have had sweet Buddy over a month now!  The antibiotics and two good meals every day have made a noticeable difference in the brightness of his eyes and his energy level--yes, he has even more energy now!  Buddy is a very strong dog, too, and we have not made much progress in leash training.  He is, however, learning to "sit" and "come."  :-)

Buddy is remarkably good-natured. He and Jameson have only had a couple of very brief  disagreements.  He, typically for a GSP, loves interaction with his humans.  My older daughter got to come for a visit this weekend and meet him--she fell in love with him, too.

Over these weeks that Buddy has been with us, he has adapted to his crate beautifully.  He settles down in it at night with no problem and sleeps from late evening till 6 in the morning (when we are getting breakfast).  During the day, he is in it quite a lot also, as we are unable to let him be free in the house because of our cat.  (That situation seems to be improving, as he is much calmer when he sees her, but we certainly can't take any unnecessary chances.)  He can get quite noisy sometimes during the day, especially when one of us comes home.  As far as housetraining, he has made rapid strides, but of course, he doesn't get much freedom in the house, either.


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